Big-data Tutorial
Tutorial docker and udocker
Build the docker image
docker build --no-cache=true -t keras-theano -f docker-keras-theano .
you can get examples of using keras by clonning the git repo
git clone
make a dir to hold you python scripts and any input, after running the container you will have the output results in the same dir
mkdir mydir
copy some examples of keras to that dir
cp keras/examples/* ~/mydir/
Run the container and mount the dir “mydir” in it
docker run -it -v $HOME/mydir:/home keras-theano /bin/bash
The container was built to have the default dir “/home” when you run the “bash”
Now inside the container
root@c6d0128e79bf:/home# ls -al
you see all the example scripts
root@c6d0128e79bf:/home# python3